Profitable Merchandising Opportunities
Many in the food industry have viewed the organic movement as a unsustainable consumer-driven trend that offers temporary profitable merchandising opportunities, attracting new participants with limited understanding and a lack of commitment to the ongoing development and legitimacy organic sector.
Profitable Organic Sector
NewMarket stakeholders, however, have a different history, before organic grains were mainstream, they were already developing organic farming solutions and have been working to establish a profitable organic sector as primary producers, processors, marketers, and industry experts. Today, their commitment to the ongoing evolution of the organic sector remains unchanged.
We have been working to build a viable and profitable organic sector as primary producers, processors, marketers, and industry experts.
Public Health and Our Enviroment
The commercial grain farming sector has become highly dependent on the use of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides. Globally the application of crop inputs has increased significantly and as a result, there are heightened concerns about the impact this is having on public health and our environment.
Scientific-backed evidence chronicles the negative impact of this excessive use and its harm to waterways and the deterioration in the health of our soils. Raising concerns surrounding the economic viability of current farming practices. Studies have drawn conclusions that this over-use of crop inputs not only leaves residual markers in the food we are producing, but it has also diminished the nutritional quality of that food.
The choice of sustainable and healthy farming practices is our aim, makes good sense and our customers appreciate the resulting high-quality, organic products.